• The only thing holding me back from diving headlong into Linux is gaming support. I’ve been a windows user since W98. XP was the shit, 7 was rock solid, ten was pretty good, but it seems like Microsoft is dead set on speedrunning enshittification with 11.

    • Gaming support on Linux is the best it has ever been. Other than select games, nearly everything works now. It’s mostly competitive multiplayer games that don’t work because it’s the kernel anticheat that is the issue. Notably, Call of Duty and Destiny 2 don’t work. Halo does 100% work now, which is awesome. But if you mostly play single player games, you are probably totally fine.

    • The only games that don’t work with a Linux solution are games that the developers have purposely done something that makes it not work.

      Check out https://www.protondb.com/ Some games might require a little tinkering. The Vulkan api will win the graphics war because Microsoft hasn’t done much with DirectX and DX12 is not doing very well supporting the features it claims it can while being difficult to program. It’s only a matter of time before Windows loses it’s hold on the desktop. And Microsoft doesn’t seem to really care. They make their API for Azure work with Linux.

      • VR gaming is also shit on Linux. Mostly because it (similarly to Linux gaming in general) adds a layer of complexity and oddness you sometimes need to fix or debug… When you layer these kind of things the issues and complexity tend to multiply.