Edit: Im asking because I’m currently going through some serious depression and I’ve been forgetting stuff lately. I wake up every morning with a panic attack, I am too tired to do anything. I barely had any appetite to eat. I just wanted to see if I’m the only one. Hearing stories from others makes me feel less alone.

Sorry if I sound pathetic af, I’m just sad

Edit 2: I’m gonna mark this as NSFW because the potential very traumatic stuff.

  • The first-ish middle half of school, also up to the time I moved. I was always put in peoples’ shadows, especially the shadows of relatives or people I hurt at one time. “Why can’t you be more like X”, “you’ll never be like X”, “I don’t like X, and wanna know something, you’re just like X”, etc. no matter what I did or where I was. And they wonder why so many of us cheat on things like school tests, applications, etc. because honor culture isn’t honesty culture.