• Both are for MacOS (I’m on Linux) and neither are open source, which is also something important to me.

      Also, where do any of these provide “a system where users get a share of the revenue from the ad networks”?

      • You didn’t say that was a requirement. You said

        All in all, I will stop using Brave in a heartbeat if there is anyone else providing any alternative with a slight chance to fight Surveillance capitalism

        Both of those browsers accomplish that.

        • I despise argumentation-by-gotcha. if you need to be so pedantic, here is another qualifier to my choices: “these alternatives must not violate my basic freedoms, so anything closed source is out.”

          • Dude it’s not argumentation by gotcha, whatever the fuck that is. All I have to go on is what you said. I don’t know anything else about you, your one comment is all the context I get. What you said and what you clearly meant seem to be two different things.

              • All in all, I will stop using Brave in a heartbeat if there is anyone else providing any alternative with a slight chance to fight Surveillance Capitalism.

                Your first item in the list literally says “I like the idea” not “this is a requirement”. Then later on you literally say “all in all”, indicating that the only thing that matters to you is what you are about to say next. Maybe you speak English as a second language, but I literally only have what you wrote to go on. And what you wrote was clear that all that mattered was the final sentence

                  • it’s clear you want crypto in your browser.

                    Careful, you are already inching into dishonest rhetoric. I explicitly said “The token is not needed and I would be fine if they could pay in cash”. Are you also going to blame my language skills for that or can you simply agree that there is no existing better alternative for worldwide micropayments?

                • I know what I wrote, and I wrote a list of counterpoints that work as reasons that I have to use Brave. I thought it was clear that one of the things that are important about is that it can give a way to pay to users and that no one else (that I know of) does it.

                  "“All in all” was meant as way to summarize what I wrote above, not overrule it. I can’t force you to interpret it in the way that I meant it, but in case you are in doubt: Safari or anything else from/for Apple is automatically disqualified.

                  • I thought it was clear that one of the things that are important about is that it can give a way to pay to users and that no one else (that I know of) does it.

                    Ok, it is now. Thank you for making it clear to me. I misunderstood

                    Safari or anything else from/for Apple is automatically disqualified.

                    Ok, thank you for making that clear. May I ask why you’re against Apple, but not Google? I consider Google a much higher risk at this point in time.