• Mine definitely weren’t when I graduated in 2016. Towards the end there, I legit spent most of the day just sitting in the band hall with a handful of 360 controllers playing games (mostly Duck Game) on my laptop with friends and passersby. Virtual classes, concurrent college classes, and a travel hour pretty much gave me free reign to fuck around most of the week because I wasn’t required to be in class except on specific days for those classes. Never got physically bullied, even had a middle-school verbal bully apologize to me. I saw plenty of people come out as LGBT comfortably, I saw football players compliment the marching band, it really wasn’t that bad unless you were one of those people who got into fights, stole shit, and tried to sell drugs.

      I have no doubt that schools can be hellholes, but I wouldn’t say it’s a given.

    • Fuck yes. At the time, I was glad my school didn’t have much violence. When my trans egg started to crack, and I was a male shaving his legs and painting his toenails… Well, no one accepted me, nor hated me either. I dropped out and took a year of homeschooling, and studying alone and cycling everyday was a wonderfup break. But that backing off into more dependence on my parents fucked up my life for a while anyways.

    • Yes. In my experience it was frequently a Lord of the Flies situation. I had hour long bus rides in my rural district where the only adult was busy driving. Knowing teenagers you can probably imagine how the freaks and geeks got treated.

    • Kids in America are so fucking cruel. We’re taught pretty much from the get-go that it’s everyone for themselves, and the only thing that keeps it from turning into Lord of the Flies is the school’s culpability if one kid kills another.