thank you.

    • The price for the premium is fucking crazy. 10$ a fucking YEAR?? Not month but YEAR!? What features do you get? Actually I don’t care about the features just take my money that’s cheap as shit

      • I pay for Bitwarden premium and the big thing for me is the ability to use it for 2FA/TOTP right from the browser extension (for sites where I feel convenience mostly trumps hardened security). It’s glorious that Bitwarden autofills username and password, and then auto-copies the current 2FA code to your clipboard so you can just paste it immediately, instead of needing to pull up your phone and authenticator app to fetch a code, or check your email/texts for a code.

      •  Amju Wolf   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        It’s insane to think that people think of that as cheap. It’s … adequate. Clearly enough to run a company that can support it and further develop it, all the infrastructure, etc. Somehow all other companies convinced us that it should be okay to pay $10 per month or more for the most basic of services, where until now their revenue per user was maybe $0.5/month for the biggest users (ad watchers).

        $10 per year is what the vast majority of subscriptions should cost - they’d still make plenty of money, but it’s just not enough for them when they know they can nickle and dime you for more.

      • You can share passwords with other people, you get 1gb of attachments space disk (to store important documents, recovery keys, crypto wallet, etc), you have access to many reports that will tell you what password might have leaked, weak password and whatnot.

      • the big feature i use from premium is the ability to use hardware 2fa. i use a Yubikey to secure it further. worth the peace of mind imo, and Bitwarden has never once failed me in the years i’ve been using it!

      • I know of MFA being allowed on it when you go premium, and I think it allows a collection, so you can have a shared collection of passwords with someone else. It’s been really handy for my wife and I, especially for things like bank and apartment logins.