Good analysis of what options (or lack of) the west has with their commitment to killing Ukranians.

    • Are you trying to rebrand useful idiot to no longer mean dumbasses who repeat Moscows fairytales 😂? That’ll be as successfull as Russia claiming it did not start WW2 together with the Nazis to eat up Poland.

      Also your link is a fictional opinion piece by some “journalist”. The comment below the article gives a great summary:

      JHC this is one of the worst examples of ‘fantasy realism’ I’ve ever seen. I don’t doubt that the US motives aren’t stellar and never have been but good god man, russia has shown itself for over 400 years to be a brutal imperialist terrorist state and is slaughtering, raping, torturing Ukrainian civilians (men, women, AND children) in a godawful genocide (can’t say that word here? I don’t see a trace of it). You know damn well what would happen in occupied territories if ‘negotiations’ were carried out before russia was thoroughly kicked out of Ukraine and defeated. Putin apologist/tankie is what I see here.

      So still no one in the West threatening Russian territorial integrity. (Because no one gives a shit about that crap land, all we ever wanted was to just buy your resources and let it be)