• If you’re ever at an anti-LGBTQ march “for the children”, ask these bigots why they aren’t marching against the sexual exploitation of children in local parishes.

    They will stutter on their words, I guarantee. Seeing this strategy in action is hilarious and highly effective!

    • I’ve asked this question several times.

      Name one drag queen who has ever been convicted of grooming and sexually abusing children.

      I said to someone once, "There are branches of several international organizations in town that have a centuries old well documented history of grooming and sexually abusing millions of children worldwide then hiding the abuse and moving the abusers to other locations so that they can continue to groom and sexually abuse children. These are the same organizations that are telling you that drag queens are the problem. Why aren’t you protesting them? "

      • That’s a bold but risky move, I wouldn’t bet the argument on someone having dug up some obscure examples. The set of people in drag has to contain at least one, and using a ‘gotcha’ like that could backfire.

        But you’re right, they do seem exceedingly rare. Like, weirdly rare compared to the general population, even.