• Majority of the resources are going to squadron 42, star citizen has NOT been the main focus. Can “journalists” get anything right?

    Sq42 has reached a pivotal development milestone and developers will shortly be moving focus to star citizen, integrating the modules built for sq42

    600M for an mmo that pushes the boundaries of technology and a goregous singleplayer game is not insane.

    • So uh, what are the story beats of Squadron 42, exactly? And what kind of release date does it have? And say, what exactly, are the features it offers? Because it’s been in development for 10 years now, and literally all I’ve ever heard is ‘It’ll be good, trust us!’, and yet I’ve seen less gameplay from it then Star Marine.

      • That, and from what I’ve read elsewhere, the main dev is a self-important narcissist who doesn’t like other people touching his code. If he’d ask for competent help and loosen that iron grip, he’d probably finish it before he dies of old age.

    • I’m not a CIG white knight by any means. Infact I’m very open on the piss poor upper management and very shady marketing practices. But with that said a lot of people just don’t realize that CIG is building 4 games, 3 single player (sq42) and one multiplayer. All under a billion and creating new technologies and art assets along the way. Compare to the rumor of GTA VI being over double in cost.

      • I think it’s important to remember that this was pitched as a single game originally. It was announced the year Mass Effect 3 came out. Comparing it to anything else is honestly pointless. Rockstar is building a game off its success and profits of GTA V. This is a ten year saga of broken promises and scope creep so astounding that people are saying they’re building four games when they’ve yet to prove they could deliver one. That’s just wild.

              • I mean, who would say, “You know what? This thing I bought into—I want it to be dog shit.”

                I get that people want their money to have been used well, but I would bet money we’ll see a completed Starfield II before Star Citizen launches its first beta.

                  • I’m basing my opinion on the fact that the development cycle is completely beyond what even indie studios have. As others have said, at some point, you need a finished product. You can continue to develop after that, but the project lead doesn’t seem to know how to do that and continue to build upon that foundation. Scope creep, indeed.

                    This might not technically be a scam, but half a billion dollars for a decade of snail’s-paced development and only alpha-ware to show for it at least begins to smell like one.

                    Plus, technology is developing faster than the dev is able to create. As it progresses, will the dev revise the scope to match the new tech? Based on the track record, I’m betting “yes,” and this will never be finished in his lifetime.