People need to realize you can use alternatives

  • I think that’s a bit reductionist as even ‘tankies’ have varying opinions on many issues. I used to hate dealing with them, and disagree with their apparent love for the old soviet bloc more times than not.

    However, I have to say, pretty much EVERYTHING they say about the US government and their allies is 100% factual. That also applies to a lot of the stuff they say about current communist countries, most of what you’re fed about them from western media is meant to incite rage and hate towards asian countries in order to keep your attention away from the atrocities committed by your own government.

    • No I still disagree with them and it is through arguing with them, not “western propaganda” unless that is what they themselves are following. Not that I agree with the US gov’s atrocities either, but it is possible to disagree with more than one thing of course.