Hello! My phone’s on 5% so I’m typing really fast right now; apologies for typos &/or poor grammar! I deleted reddit when the protests happened in June/July (??) & switched over here to lemmy. I suspect i have endometriosis and I used to love the endo communities on reddit, but i no longer have access to that & i’m just feeling kind of alone i guess …. So far, I’ve felt the most at-home here, which is why I’m posting this here, and I’m just curious to know if there’s anyone on here who has a uterus & either suspects they have endometriosis or has an actual diagnosis. I have a consultation lined up later this month. I’m just in a lot of physical pain & i don’t want to feel alone right now. I keep trying to find communities here on lemmy where it’s appropriate for me to talk about this stuff but it’s all been to no avail. Sorry if this isn’t allowed. Thank you for reading :,) <3

TL,DR: i think i have endometriosis and i don’t want to be alone, so I’m desperately searching all over lemmy to find people who understand me & relate to my experience

  • I don’t want this to be an accusation about lemmy’s user base, so take this next comment with a grain of salt:

    I feel like lemmy slants male the same way early reddit did, and the same way a lot of more technical communities seem to. I’ve definitely seen threads where the perspectives being shared feel alien and out of touch, and although I’m sure that they have valuable insights about many topics, it does feel kind of… homogenous?

    One specific example is the threads arguing about whether to make lemmy more like reddit or not. Often, there are a lot of comments arguing that they don’t want to change lemmy in ways that would make it more inviting, because then more people from reddit would show up. The implication is that the average user of reddit is an idiot or should be unwelcome in some way, but to me it seems that they are just trying to select for men in technical disciplines and who have similar world views to the current user base. Idk, it’s not a great look.

    Anyway, I’m non-binary and I don’t have endometriosis so I’m probably not part of the communities you’re looking for… still, I wish you all the best looking for your space. I think it’s truly less homogenous here than it seems… We’ll get more diverse perspectives over time!

    • Thank you so much for responding!! You’ll have to forgive me, I’m currently having a flare up & currently in the midst of midterms, so my energy’s a bit low & my response might not be as thorough as i would like. I don’t want to leave you hanging though; this response was super touching & i’m very grateful for the support <3 <3 perhaps the reasons you mentioned are exactly why i feel so comfortable in this space; the crowd is much more diverse here & i feel like i fit in a lot better here. i see lots of room for growth on lemmy as a whole but i’m very grateful for this space; thank you to everyone on here for existing <3