•  livus   ( @livus@kbin.social ) 
    1 year ago


    We were that one time, and we’ve been milking it ever since.

    Only until 2006 which is when the UK finally managed to pay the US back the “lend lease” debt it racked up in WWII

    Wonder how long it will take for Ukraine to pay back theirs, they’re on a Lend Lease from the US right now.

    • You & I are the only people who seem to know this. Everyone else is busy arguing whether we can “afford” to give Ukraine “free stuff”, when in reality none of it is free, and whatever few Ukrainians are left alive after this war will be paying onerous debt for generations. They’re already auctioning off many public assets to mostly foreign buyers at fire sale prices, up to and including seaports.

      • Yeah it’s crazy. Ukraine is a fire sale and the debt will be on the US govt books as an asset.

        Makes me realise, a lot of things we read in history books that seem cut and dried, were probably not at all obvious to the people who lived at the time because their perception of facts was probably as skewed as our societies’ perceptions are now.