• What bugs me about this is THEY ARE ALL THE SAME! Flat rectangular phones with no buttons and few ports. Where is the innovation? Where is the experimentation? Where are the different form factors?

    Go back to like 2003 and you had all kinds of variety in the market. Some phones had slide out keyboards, some had physical keyboards like blackberries, they were all kinds of different expansion ports and slots and interfaces, and occasionally something totally different like Compaq had a gadget that took different backpacks that bolted on the back to give it extra capability.

    Skip 20 years ahead to today, and every phone is the exact same fucking form factor. And so we obsess over millimeters and megapixels and software. There’s no innovation here. There’s no variety here.

    The only even slightly interesting development I see is the new flip and book phones, but that technology is being used in the most boring way possible. I want to phone the size of a Snickers bar where I pull the screen out of it from the side and it unrolls as far as I want it to. I want a phone that flips open like a laptop to reveal a keyboard. Or even simpler, I want a phone that’s 4 mm thicker and has a battery that lasts all week. Give that phone a headphone jack and wireless charging, put a little rubber around it to make it indestructible, then you’ll have something interesting.

    Until that happens, you have like six manufacturers that are basically building the exact same product. Boring.

    • So right. The last Blackberry I used with BB OS had micro hdmi port, hardware keyboard and completely different OS that was able to run android apps. Fast forward 10 years and you can’t get any of those any more except maybe from some weird Chinese brands.

    •  wia   ( @oxideseven@lemmy.ca ) 
      11 months ago

      The public voted with their purchases and this is what they wanted.

      Eventually most products settle into a baseline normal and innovation slows dramatically. It’s not just phones that do this.

      There are plenty of phones out there that are weird and different but most people ignore them and they don’t get the same attention. Think rog phones, flip and fold phones, fair phone, sony’s camera focused phones no one wants to buy.

      Not too mention this list is for what you should buy, which is really the word experimental phone.

      It’s a strange mentality that almost everyone time phone are brought up people so for absolute innovation. A full on game changer. Most of these already do exactly what we want incredibly well. There isn’t much room for a game changer. Innovations will be less dramatic, more subtle.

      No one is going to buy a round phone, or a squiggly phone, and curved screen edges or curved phones never did well. So rectangular it is.

      Enthusiast features rarely stick around cus most people don’t need those features or the features get rolled into something else. Headphones jacks and HDMI and so on can ask be integrated into USB C and for most that’s good enough.