• I wouldn’t say it was exactly paradise but many jews fled to the ottoman empire to avoid european prosecution. The region was centralised or more autonomous depending on the era I think

    • Probably because the Ottoman empire would just crush everyone’s cock with a rock if they so much as started anything. I highly doubt anyone around there voted for the Ottoman empire to occupy their lands and take their resources, haha.

      Generally, strongman rule makes things pretty peaceful. Vlad the impaler had a low crime rule, but he also impaled 20,000 enemy troops in a “Forest of the imapaled” and also impaled any criminals, which somehow kept crime remarkably low. But it wasn’t exactly a happy rule, and people cheered when he was eventually ambushed, beheaded, and (fittingly) impaled on the walls above Constantinople…ironically by Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman empire. xD

      He fought the Ottoman empire’s encroach his entire life and ended up getting ambushed and dying stupidly. But he went down in legend for being crazy hardcore (and his wife, queen Justinia too, who was absolutely mental as well, iirc)

    • Indeed. A relatively lightly administered area which was predominantly (3/4) Muslim. Then Britain took it over following WW1 and said “The Zionists supported us during the war so we’re going to carve out a Jewish homeland in this space where they say they used to live a couple millenia ago and we’re going to pretty much ignore that there’s someone already living there.”

      Now you have people displaced who felt their homeland was taken and people transplanted who believe their homeland is due them and the most extreme factions have guns and bombs to argue about it. There is no solution where Israel remains and stays at peace with it’s neighbors, some of whom were displaced to make space or Israel.

      It saddens me that this is the case. My great grand-parents were Jewish and fled the pogroms in western Russia to come to the US. Zionists are a stain on our religion.