Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • That’s completely understandable. From what it sounds like you’re the breadwinner (or bringing in a substantial portion of the income) while also having to be in charge of the budget and act as the bad guy in denying non-essentials. Plus doing the lions share of the housework and childcare, and caring for your husband.

    With what time and energy are you supposed to exercise daily into a bikini body? You’re carrying your entire family on your back.

    Whenever you feel guilt or think you’re being grumpy Google ‘the mental load’ and ‘the second shift’

    Edit: also ‘the triple burden’. Though it’s more even than that

    • Thankyou for this… I read your insightful reply earlier this morning and got stuck into the preview of ‘the second shift’ before I got up. It is a hugely relatable text! Also ‘the mental load,’ so many “OMG yessss!” moments.