The mission-driven tech company behind the Firefox browser, Pocket reader and other apps is now investing its energy into the so-called “fediverse” — a collection of decentralized social networking applications, like Mastodon, that communicate with one another over the ActivityPub protocol.

  •  Otter   ( ) 
    9311 months ago

    I thought they were just adding activitypub to some products / making their own accounts but

    However, the company is aiming to tackle some of the obstacles that have prevented users from joining and participating in the fediverse so far, including the technical hurdles around onboarding, finding people to follow and discovering interesting content to discuss.

    What Mozilla wants to accomplish, then, is to help reconfigure the Mastodon onboarding process so that when someone — including a publisher or creator — joins its instance (or the fediverse in general) they’re able to build their audience with more ease.

    Now THAT would be cool. If the browser had a built in way to handle some of this stuff, it would be a lot simpler to deal with some of the issues. I’d love to learn more

    • It makes a lot of sense to me to just have minimum standards for Fediverse instances, and then anyone who wants to host users can be a default instance for a period of time and just rotate through them Round Robin-style so nobody gets slammed with too many new users at once.