•  Salvo   ( @Salvo@aussie.zone ) 
    111 months ago

    They should not be driving a large vehicle if they have a medical history precluding them from operating heavy machinery.

    The dude was diabetic and had a history of having hypos.

    Epileptics don’t drive at night if they can avoid it, because of the flashing lights:

    Why was this guy driving (especially such a large vehicle) when his blood sugar was not properly regulated?

    • agree completely. that’s fucked. I accept it may not have been malicious but it’s crazy irresponsible.

      but that detail came out a day after the guy baying for his blood above, my point was if you have no idea what actually happened, focus on having compassion for people affected, not immediately getting a pitchfork and yelling for “justice”.

      that kind of justice… well, it usually isn’t justice.