Hi everyone! Saw the announcement and immediately ran here.

My question is this: do any of you have any goals that you’ve been actively working on?

For me, I’ve been trying to work on my GED that I abandoned a decade ago. Signed up for courses and everything.

Another thing I am trying to learn is more about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and how that can help me learn how to cope with stress.

Finally, I have major ADHD so I’ve been trying to do note-taking in my day to day life. Started journaling, taking notes on Youtube videos I watch that I think are important for me to remember, habit tracking, so forth.

How about you? What are you trying to do to better yourself?

  • I feel that accountability and goal-setting threads make me put more effort into what really brings me happiness so here goes:

    • Continuing focused Korean language learning.
    • Maintain a healthy amount of time on the internet (1-2 hours a day for entertainment).
    • Get back into reading! I’m so behind my 25-book reading goal for this year so I have a lot of catching up to do.
    • Finally get a job after waiting so long for a permit.

    I’ll give myself a month and see what I end up doing c: