After a long while, I checked back on the arkenfox.js github page, and they no longer mention two extensions I still use: (1) CanvasBlocker (because if Resist Fingerprinting is enabled in about:config, the per page zoom levels get changed and that drives me crazy), and (2) Smart Referer (because, well, it was recommended). I know that good old UBlock Origin can block javascript, but I’ve been using (3) JavaScript Control because it’s easier to access from the URL bar. So are these three still useful? To answer my own question: I might give RFP another try so I won’t need CanvasBlocker. Since I can achieve what CanvasBlocker and JS Control do with about:config and UBlock tweaks, respectively, I guess I’m mainly interested in what people think about Smart Referer. Also sort of a noodly post.

  •  jarfil   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    As long as sites can get zoom levels, it seems to me like you’ll have to choose one or the other.

    Now, if I’m not mistaken, the only way to do that, is via JavaScript, so disabling JS on a site should block that. Alternatively, block or sanitize the JS call used to calculate the canvas vs. window size (maybe via Tampermonkey?). Or just return a window size equal to the canvas size (I’m kind of surprised RFP doesn’t do that).