The ruling class wants you to be literate enough to understand their written orders. And nothing more. True literacy is punk. True literacy is revolutionary.

If you look at this article and think “this is too long to read” you’re part of the target audience. Make the time.

  • Although her point “Can you tell me the thesis and supporting arguements of videos you watched from two calendar years ago?” doesn’t really land for me - I can barely remember my own life from two years ago.

    I have my master’s in a field I’m very passionate about, and I can barely remember my thesis when people ask me about it, even though I spent two years developing it :P

    I do like the author’s points very much, and I especially appreciate her unique perspective, because a lot of times I read things like this from US or UK authors, as opposed to someone who’s had the experiences she has. But I also agree that maybe it’s a bit unfair to consumers of audiobooks and alternative forms of reading, and it probably misses its target audience.

    I showed my husband as soon as I finished reading because I felt like he could relate to a lot of what she said since he has ADHD, and as soon as he saw the length of the article, he said, “You’re kidding,right?”

    Also, I listen to audiobooks a lot while I’m out walking or longboarding, and I really don’t notice a difference between that and conventional reading. I feel like I absorb the information just as well, and sometimes even more because I’m keeping my hands and feet busy and am therefore less distracted than when I try to sit still and read.

    • and sometimes even more because I’m keeping my hands and feet busy and am therefore less distracted

      This is so true! I can engage with works so deeply when I don’t have to concentrate on concentrating, because I’m so occupied that I don’t have more room to even be distracted in the first place. The only downside is I need to figure out a way to take notes while listening to audiobooks. Maybe some kind of wrist voice recorder? idk