our plumbing is finally fixed, so that’s nice

  • Blood tests came back.

    Everything’s fine except my potassium is very slightly elevated, so need to run another test next week to double check it. Unfortunately, elevated potassium can be caused by kidney stuff, so now have to do those tests as well. I think also some hormone involvement, so maybe that, too.

    Otherwise, all the muscoloskeletal and fatigue stuff is still unexplained. Last time I checked my potassium and kidneys was like three years after this shit started and they were fine then, so I don’t think think that would be root cause.

    Welp, not really going to concern myself with it now. I need to relax and there’s no point making up scenarios in my head. Will do the tests, and we’ll see what happens depending on the results.

    Based on one of these recent results, though, something I can say, and it’s really fun to do this: “It’s not lupus!”