• Movie was great and I understand why they cut some stuff out from the story but I just don’t get why they moved the timeline up so fast. Paul did all this before his sister was even born. Just bothers me.

    • I actually think it was a good decision. The sister doesn’t play a huge part in the first book. The movie had to compress things for time. It would’ve been distracting to introduce a new character that doesn’t do much during the crescendo near the end.

      • Yeah I see the reasoning. It just takes me out of the movie he did all this in a few months. I don’t think any movie choices were bad just different. Like chany characters behavior is different than I recall. Like a 180. Is it believable yes. Is it what I expected nope.

        • Lol was hoping for that too but you realize it won’t happen third of the way in. I think the third movie is going to have add all the parts about Alia they cut. Which I agree is not too much. For non dune fans that were with me Alia came out as ultra creepy and they didn’t get her character. In Past versions I was sympathetic toward her. But again she didn’t have much screen time to flush her out a bit.