Looks like it’s back to the high seas for us…

  • It’s not enough to make a profit, you need to make more profit than last year.

    Netflix, Disney+, TVNZ+ etc all happily solved “the piracy” problem because piracy was a mitigation of broadcast TV’s anti-consumer distribution business model.

    Now these pigs have saturated the market (there are no more non-subscribers to sell to) and bump up their prices without any commensurate lifting service to inflate profit.

    All they are doing is pricing people back to piracy.

    Time to break out the old Sonarr/Radar stack again.

    • They don’t even do it in a subtle way either. I would be fine with a yearly 3-5% because hell, inflation and everything goes up over time. But they seem to be doing 20-30% increases every other year and it’s ridiculous

      • It’s just greed.

        Any sustainable business would be finding ways to be more efficient, allowing them to lower retail cost.

        Take Amazon Web Services for example the unit price of every service trends down over time because they get more efficient delivering the service.

        They add new services for you to buy or lower the cost of existing services to entice higher usage.

        But media? Gobble gobble gobble.

    • 100% this. I always picture Agent Smith from Matrix Revolutions - “MORE!” .

      I had a brilliant home server set up about 15 years back with a Usenet subscription, SABnzbd Sickbeard, Couchpotato, Sonaar etc. Might be time to check out the modern versions and put something back together. Sigh.