•  Evkob   ( @Evkob@lemmy.ca ) 
    86 months ago

    A bad trip on shrooms after years of frequenting trans spaces online “to learn more and be a good ally”.

    Two of my acquaintances had come out as non-binary the week before, and it took drugs for me to unpack why, despite me being extremely happy for them both, I felt a bit of resentment and jealousy.

    • “to learn more and be a good ally”

      Yeah, I have found a lot of eggs are just “really good alliesTM”

      I was one. I remember I accidentally asked a little too many questions about my and my wife’s non-binary friend before my egg cracked. Kept phrasing it as “I just want to make sure they’re comfortable and they know I really care about them and think this is great… for them obviously”

      My wife says that is when she knew and about a month later I came out as trans to her (and myself)

      So yes. My wife knew before I did. 😅

        • Tell me about it! Although to be fair, soooo many bullies growing up called me gay. And the best defense I could come up with was always “not like you would know!”

          Never a direct “of course I’m not!” Because it always felt on some level true. But boys were gross. So definitely couldn’t be gay.

          So years of people saying I was gay and me not believing them - turns out they’re right. I am gay, lol. Just not how anyone thought 😅