Not seen: the 100,000 USD bill for the Apple Car

Alt text: A cartoon photo of a “Windows” car that is in need of maintenance and care, and an “Apple” car that just has an on/off switch

  • In my uneducated opinion it’s two prongs:

    1. Average person doesn’t want to fix or upgrade their computer even if they had the capability to do so, so it might as well be a black box.

    2. Marketing. People want to feel that they own something luxurious.

    It’s a wildly successful strategy.

    • I mean I’m a PC guy and I’m pretty handy with tech and even I have genuinely I don’t think ever fixed / upgraded my computer past cleaning it out and one single time re-setting a ram stick that had a bad connection.

      There’s simply no reason for a lot of people to do so. I’m not a huge gamer, I’m not running a database or a torrenting operation from my computer, and by the time one of mine starts to get slow or break down it’s been like 7 years and I’m just due for a new one anyway.

      Honestly the only reason I don’t get mac is the price point and .exe files

    • I’m an Apple user. I used to enjoy tinkering with my system (this was in the days of System 7 and ResEdit), but now I just want it to work unobtrusively. I don’t want to have to think about my OS; I want to concentrate on what I’m doing with my OS. Apple certainly has its drawbacks, but I’ve yet to see an OS that’s better at getting out of your way and staying out of your way.

      Personally, I don’t give a shit about luxury, but then, I’ve never cared about that in any context.

      • Apple certainly has its drawbacks, but I’ve yet to see an OS that’s better at getting out of your way and staying out of your way.

        That’s true if all of your devices are apple. I have Windows and an iPad, and it is unnecessarily frustrating to get the iPad to communicate with my PC. Apple keeps insisting on getting in the way.

      • I hella feel that but re: phone on my end. I have tons of Windows machines and a couple Linux boxes and I don’t want to have to muck about with my phone with custom ROMs or… anything.

        I don’t want to think about my phone. I’ve got a five year old iPhone that runs like the day I got it, and I’ve got all of my texts from 10 years ago and 20k+ photos. I’ve never reformatted it.

        Apple gets a lot of hate on Lemmy but damn are their phones exactly what I want.