For me, Google video search, Google books (Internet Archive is good, but doesn’t always have the same stuff), Adobe InDesign (but in the process of learning LaTeX), and Typewise. As for the Google stuff, I liked Whoogle a lot, but almost all their instances seem to have been blocked or shut down. Also, apologies if this is repeating an earlier post.

    • I’ve never understood the appeal of Spotify

      1. Tap search
      2. Select artist/album/song
      3. Play anywhere instantly
      4. Low monthly cost, no need to buy songs/albums

      I also like having physical copies/my own files organized for my home server. But to not even understand why people use Spotify…?

      •  hedge   ( ) OP
        26 months ago

        I’m just old I guess, and rather set in my ways. I remember not being able to search their catalog to see what they had or didn’t have without signing up, but that was quite a long time ago. I think Spotify may short change its artists, but at the same time I’m guessing it’s probably a lot cheaper than buying albums.

        Can’t you also do 1,2,&3 with YouTube as well?

        • Youtube doesn’t let you listen to videos if you navigate away from the app or lock your screen, making it functionally useless as a mobile music player. You have to pay for YT music to be able to do that.

          And I agree with you about not using spotify, but again, there are certainly advantages to it. The pros just don’t outweigh the cons/match our values.