• Where did I paint Israel as the victim? They are obviously responsible for mass destruction and reckless killing of thousands of people. What I say is that you don’t get the complexity of the conflict, that you just focus on one side of it and that calling for the destruction for the Israeli state is very problematic. There seem to be so many people that try to ignore either side of the conflict. “Oh, the Palestinians are all Hamas and we are just defending us” vs “Oh, the Israelis are all genocidal colonialists and we have to destroy them”. Neither of both is true and we would benefit from trying to move away from a Palestine vs Israel narrative and try to rather organize against the Israeli government as well as Hamas.

                • Well, it is really obvious what you don’t get. I’m an anarchist, why wouldn’t I be in this community. Are you trying to push a normative standard on me and say that only people with the same opinion as you can be in this space? Just because I criticize some specific actions that imo are counterproductive doesn’t mean I’m not an anarchist. That’s just political discourse.

                  • your discourse is patronizing and disrespectful to me and my ability to understand what’s going on. you are hijacking a discussion about how to stop a colonialist genocide to wring your hands about oppressed people possibly winning and treating their occupiers like they’ve been treated.

                    I don’t believe you’re an anarchist because you are derailing a solidarity action and accusing anarchists of being antisemitic.

                • Lol, see what I mean by black and white thinking? Either I’m against it or for it. Nothing else imaginable. “Genocidal colonialism” is a very loaded term and I’m not sure it even applies here. And because I dare to think about why it might be something else I’m directly in favor of colonialism and genocide? Wild.

                  • the project of setting up Israel as a nation state is a genocidal colonialist project. dissembling about this, suggesting it was acceptable, that the occupied people should only resist within the boundaries you set, shows you aren’t opposed to the genocidal colonialist project.