• steps you’re missing

    Nope, the plan is perfect and only a counter-revolutionary would suggest otherwise. straight to the gulag.

    maybe a psychotic serial killer nurse would be better

    Know any?

    conflict of interest

    Well you wouldn’t be stealing it for yourself, and its not like there isn’t already a massive conflict of interest between execs who like money and staff who like treating patients.

    • steps you’re missing

      steps you’re brushing over, is what I said

      You’re funny though, ngl. Go ahead and do something yourself, of the same nature. Report back with your “accomplishments”, we’re all ears. Best of luck friend

        • I’ve been had! Welp, the cat’s already outta the bag now, so might as well tell ya the truth; I’m actually a serial-killer-cop… aka, a cop. You can run, but you’ll never be able to hide!

          Edit: huffing, puffing, wheezing …ok, maybe you can actually just run a bit, no hiding necessary. I’m going on another break; I need to catch my breath