Isn’t that a prerequisite for enshitification? Publicly-traded companies are required (by law, I think) to maximize profits for their shareholders, even if that means utterly ruining their original product (Reddit, Boeing, etc.), yes? What do you think?

  • Interesting. I’ve never played TF but Portal is one of my all-time favorites (I’m not much of a gamer lol). Will try to look into that when I have time because it’s definitely interesting if true (and can be my token good example lol).

      •  Admiral Patrick   ( ) 
        5 months ago

        I’ve followed that for a while :) Saw it on Hack a Day early in its development and thought it was one of the coolest ports I’ve ever seen. Sadly, I think he got D&D’d. Best I recall, I think it was unlicensed use of the N64 SDK or something like that.