• You most certainly can customise it, the previous version of Nobara had GNOME looking like windows. Not only can, but need to. Try starting out from default GNOME, and then compare it to what comes with distros. It’s essentially unusable if you don’t spend a lot of time and effort to customize it in order to have the basic functionality you’d expect coming from Windows.

    This is what Linux needs. One single user experience for all. It needs a champion to sell it to normal less tech savvy people. As much I love KDE and QT, Gnome is the way to go.

    GNOME is bad, and even if it wasn’t, you most certainly don’t need a one true DE. If you want that, you can go right back to win or mac.

    • It’s actually really funny you say that since starting out with default gnome is actually what got me to stick with Linux. I tried out Ubuntu style gnome and tried stuff like dash to panel and dash to dock but found it either unstable or hated it. Vanilla gnome is what got me to be at peace lol. I thought I didn’t like it at first but then it just suddenly clicked once I got over that. Calling it bad is just rude.

    • Try starting out from default GNOME, and then compare it to what comes with distros. It’s essentially unusable if you don’t spend a lot of time and effort to customize it in order to have the basic functionality you’d expect coming from Windows.

      Oh man. I have to agree with you there. I’ve been using Ubuntu for so long I forgot how bad Gnome 3 is ootb. Ubuntu really brought some good quality of life improvement to the DE with their own modifications.

      But I still stand by my argument that we need one desktop to be the star of Linux if et want more people to adopt it and for it to become mainstream. Giving most people too many options can confuse them.