The remains of a Newfoundland trucker who went missing in Ontario two weeks ago were found in the back of his truck’s trailer in his home province, even though his rig was a key piece of evidence in the search and the place where he was last seen.

The Ontario Provincial Police confirmed Tuesday that Brian Lush’s body was recovered inside the truck’s trailer in Port aux Basques, N.L., after its return from Ontario.

The OPP refused to answer questions from CBC News about whether police thoroughly searched the truck and trailer before sending it back to the truck’s owner in Newfoundland, and if so, how investigators could have missed Lush’s remains inside it.

  • Seems like opening the trailer would be the first thing you would do… Prehapps they found him between skids or something near the back, probably went to fix a strap and slipped and broke his neck. Or he died stuck yelling for help and the cops didn’t even open the trailer.

      • May of only opened it a bit and it closed on itself, stupid shit happens all the time.

        Or more likely it was open and the cops just looked inside without getting into the trailer and didn’t see anything, just closing it back up.