• This is a just a show to appease college protesters and online discourse

    Practically nothing changed and I bet Israel still got some back channel delivery.

    The regime will not budge on this and it is telling seeing GOP using their political capital on a foreign ticking country… At least mouth breezed can be proud they own the libs haha

    • And this right here is the greatest obstacle to long-term change in the current administration’s policies on Palestine - because instead of taking a win, the left shouts “look at this bitch eating crackers!” Not to mention your sprinkle of conspiratorial thinking here.

      It’s clear to anyone who follows the issue but the Biden administration has been moving further and further from Bibi. Not fast enough, but the protests and campaigns are working. The right wing is clearly terrified of them - look at how overwhelmingly they feel a need to put negative coverage on it. But the actual Gaza supporters are the ones shouting loudest that it’s a waste of time?? A self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Politically it’s no-win. Morally it’s also no-win; things will be worse for Gaza with Trump in the White House. But people like you are here to tell their allies to give up. Cool.

      • I’m sorry but your finger wagging is telling.

        Biden is holding back some delivery of weapons less than a month after he bipassed congress to give Israel two payments of 17 billion dollars?

        Are you smoking crack?

        This is political theatre at best. We’ve already caught Biden lying multiple times on this issue.

        And please get your head out of your ass. I don’t care if Trump is worse. What the actual fuck is worse than genocide.

        Do you realize how pathetic you make democrats look?

        • Biden is holding back some delivery of weapons less than a month after he bipassed congress to give Israel two payments of 17 billion dollars

          And you interpret that clear change in stance to to mean no change can nor will happen.