The highlight for me is coming up with some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.

    •  antifuchs   ( ) 
      4 months ago

      York and the surrounding counties are currently very much a culture war battleground. There’s a bunch of school board initiated censorship, bomb threats against libraries (and then subsequent defunding of those unless they promise not to do anything that could cause offense to domestic terrorists), that sort of thing. (Edit: forgot to mention the hate tracker, some more stuff I didn’t think I wanted to know about my own neighbors)

      That crap is done by people and I imagine these folks are among those doing it, and so are their friends and neighbors.

        • “Suburbs of Philadelphia” is pretty funny to me - it’s a 2:15+h car ride there from Philly. Americans might consider 100 miles a short commute, but dang. When does a part of PA stop being a Philly suburb and start being a Pittsburgh suburb?

          • @antifuchs

            50 miles, not 100 miles.

            25 miles each way is not that big of a deal. In college I spent six months commuting 40 minutes each way (traffic gods willing it wouldn’t be longer) from 31st street to Springhouse, PA.

            Valley Forge is definitely at the limits of what I’d put up with though, unless there’s good train service.

        • Fair. I always thought of Pennsyl-Tucky was more a state of mind/politics rather than an area, but I’m not a local and haven’t been in the area for years so I’m inclined to believe you.

      • (fwiw this reply was only like 0.01% more informative than the original thing, but from other people’s comments I got to figure things out. please try to remember that there is more world out there than just eaglegunscountry)