•  mozz   ( @mozz@mbin.grits.dev ) 
    4 months ago

    I watched it a few times and I think I broke the code. She’s talking like the issue is that she’s suffering all this anti-Russian-person racism everywhere she goes, but it’s pretty unlikely that anything like that is happening. But something made her upset.

    I think she wants to come into the US, and US immigration doesn’t want her to, and she identifies that as “hatred” for the Russians because she’s supposed to be able to do whatever she wants because she’s Russian, and not have to do some kind of dodge through Mexico and not have to follow oppressive rules like these Mexicans and Brazilians that she mentions. She feels humiliated that she has to ask permission, and maybe the answer will be no fuck off get lost.

    Honestly, I will be the last person to say that US immigration is always decent and fair. But someone not being nice to you or treating you special is not the same as them hating you. If you want to say US immigration is being a pain in the ass and it’s unfair that it’s gonna fuck up your life, then fine. But saying you need to be exempt from it because you’re Russian specifically, makes you into a special specific kind of person.

    • Granted last time I crossed the border was in 2000, but I think your right and this is basic Karen behavior. She probably expected to cross without even identifying herself. I was allowed to cross with one question, but as I said that was awhile ago.

      • Hm, I interpreted it a little differently – that she was talking about coming into the US to stay and live here (“we lived in Brazil for half a year” “we need to get to the US” “I want a calmer environment”), and that’s a whooole different story.

        This is pure guesswork, but it sounds like maybe she knew it would be a problem so she asked the immigration guy to just write her down as British to solve the problem, and he wasn’t friendly about that suggestion and long story short no she can’t come in the country, stay in Mexico, good luck, next in line please. And she interpreted it within this sort of framework appropriate to traveling around in places where she was used to, like a more smekalka system and being able to travel around like she wanted, and thought he was just being a dick about it and about the way he dealt with her in general, because of some personal racism towards her or something.

        That would actually be a lot more charitable interpretation towards her than what I originally said “I’m Russian so I should get to do what I want.” It might just be a genuine cultural thing that she ran into that she really doesn’t understand. IDK though; I mean the truth is I’m purely just guessing.

        But overall, I definitely think she was trying to come into the US to stay and live here, and having trouble with it (because it’s real real difficult for anyone from almost any country, generally speaking), and that’s why she’s so upset.