The results are showing up… Now we have to hope for the law to be declined… Already discussed about the chat control law of the EU, here :

  • Yeah, wait for it. Even in China they are not cappable to control all the privacy tricks and measures for messages by the users. Where there is a law, there is also a trick to go around it, I doubt very much that they manage to control more than the usual chat apps, the effort would be economically unaffordable to do it also in decentralized or even on self-hosted private networks.

    • They don’t actually have to enforce that though. Rather, it’s a neat trick: if you do use encrypted chats, well, you’re purposefully doing something illegal! To hide information, no less! That surely means you have more to hide, and since you’ve already broken a law, let’s investigate further!

      To be clear: I’m not saying this is the intended effect. But it is a frighteningly possible one. Anyone who has reason to hide their communication (regime critical activists, opposition politicians, investigative journalists,…) either have to

      • accept that their communication will be scanned, making it trivial to spy on them and use that information (legally, no less!) to hinder/stop them, or
      • do something illegal, giving pretext for hindering/stopping them since they’ve now committed a crime