• It’s called voting. Most people do that.

    Tip culture is an obvious moral blackmail. While being against it I tend to go with it in countries that struggle moving past slavery.

    To a certain extent if everybody stopped tipping things would change probably faster than by any political mean anyway.

    •  idealium   ( @idealium@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      If absolutely everybody stopped tipping in America this instant maybe something would change. But that’s not going to happen, just as voting tipping away won’t happen. It’s incredibly easy to sway people who have no opinion on the matter (more than you’d think) to believe that tips are good and necessary and actually beneficial to the worker. And the people/entities most motivated to argue this (employers) happen to have the money to throw into shifting public thought on the matter. No, the only real solution is worker organization, and the only way workers can organize is if they have the resources (time, energy, money) to do so, also external support can help.