• Alternate question: do any of you (maybe a bit older than 35) remember the last time you bought an updated paper map for your area, or one for a road trip? They used to be at most checkout lanes in many stores.

    I can already hear the “maps on paper? How could you find anything?”

      • I would guess that hiking or trail maps are probably much more detailed than a road map, so that makes sense that it would still be a thing, although certainly digital versions have made some dent in them. Electronics are a bit more susceptible to the environment and the need for power though, so maybe not as much for those reasons.

        • Yep, right on. For a day hike or simple trail, I’ll trust my phone maps and Garmin GPS. Anything beyond that, I’m bringing a map and compass as a backup because they don’t require power and the good ones still work even if wet.

          Even for a simple day hike, I’ll usually print out a map because it’s quicker than using my phone.