Incredible heat calls for incredible seersucker.

This is my first time working with the fabric, but it came together into one of my best shirts yet. This thing looks (at a glance) like it came off a store rack, and I couldn’t be more proud of that fact.

  • It really does look store bought, but in a good way! (A lot of store bought shirts are lopsided and have loose threads, and yours looks super precise and crisp).

    I have two shirt patterns and some inexpensive fabric to test them on, but I’ve been too chicken to try, lol. Partly I just haven’t gotten started with my machine yet, and a shirt is too much to hand sew, but I’m also intimidated by trying to get the fit right, and by making an outer garment. But when I do make one, I want it to look like yours.

    •  Cipher   ( ) OP
      11 year ago

      You say you already have cheap fabric? Then there’s nothing to lose

      You will gain the experience of the attempt regardless of how it turns out. I hope you try and surprise yourself