Okay so I feel like I’m a good chuck of the way into the game and feel like talking about it. I was lured in by the description of it being a chill diving and sushi restaurant management game. However, it is so so so much more than that. I have to be honest, I almost think it is to much more, there are just systems added on, one after the other. Certain out-of-water area’s seem less polished than others making me wonder if the developers bolted it on late in development?

Note, I did not follow early access, nor have looked into any sort of development history of the game. I wanted to go in blind to be surprised by it.

What are all your thoughts? Anyone else dive in (haha) blind like me, or have you been invested from the very start and know the road it’s taken to get to 1.0? What do you think of the game at it’s present state? The game locks a good amount of mechanics behind story, so try to be mindful of spoilers for folks as much as it’s possible.

  • Love the game, played it Early Access back in April. The game seems to break out new game mechanics as one-offs in the progression of the main storyline. The Out of Water mechanics that are repeated are fine for what they are - Busy work to get resources for better stuff. They weren’t add ons at the end, I think they were there from the beginning. I’d say it’s between this game and TotK for my favorite games of the past few years.