Hey all! Mod team of r/unixporn here. After a couple weeks of work on our end, we finally have a Lemmy community at LemmyWorld that we’re committing to moderating in the long run. Additionally, due to Lemmy’s federation, you should be able to crosspost between here and there even if you don’t have an account on LemmyWorld. Hope to see you there!

    •  sky   ( @sky@codesink.io ) 
      161 year ago

      There’s no good reason. There never is, other than the reddit mods wanting control and not wanting to share with those who already built community on Lemmy.

        • That’s… not really what I said?

          I think having multiple communities about the same subject on different instances can be interesting and potentially good!

          I just think in this case there wasn’t really a need to make a new community, when the main difference is a mod team from a different website. The tone of the post struck me as telling the community what to do. I was a little assumptive, I suppose.

          I used to mod a subreddit/discord that has already had a couple lemmy communities pop up, so this is something I’ve been talking about with friends for a bit. I’m personally hoping to see moderators of reddit communities making space for new people to run things.