•  0x815   ( @0x815@feddit.de ) 
    1 year ago

    We can’t really trust parents to raise their children accordingly, so kindergarten should be (a) compulsory and (b) teach social skills and emphasise empathy.

    Taking away their kids because you “can’t trust parents” to “raise their children” is not only a generalisation and an insult to the parents, it wouldn’t work either because “compulsory participation does not make them feel heard” as you stated yourself. Such an early compulsory education paved the way to a system similar to the one in China, where parents send their kids to indoctrination camps disguised as schools.

    We need more freedom, but for all the people rather than just a few. This means more direct democracy where people have a say, where every child has the freedom to develop individual skills in their own pace, more transparency to hold those in political power accountable, and a lot more things that build the foundation of a truly democratic society.

    Scandinavian countries like Finland are often role models when it comes to housing policies, but also many other social security measures. And it is no coincidence that exactly these Scandinavian countries frequently rank top in democracy indices.