yeah but if you join, and your friends join, and they’re friends, you know what nevermind

  • My feeling is that most of the social media platforms are just turning into cess pools of right wing hatred and evil. Reddit was left leaning, but their recent move just seemed obvious they want to go the way of twitter and be a shithole of a website as well. Just another money maker by exploiting the dumber people.

    • Reddit was left leaning

      No, it really wasn’t.

      Reddit was self-siloing and community moderated, so it was easier to avoid the worst of right-wing social media bullshit, but the place was (and is) crawling with anarcho-capitalists, techbro libertarians, and socons, and fascists with just enough brain cells to rub together to not get banned from the site.

      Moderated spaces tend to filter out the biggest assholes who can’t help themselves when it comes to blatantly and openly attacking people, but Reddit is not a moderated space. It’s just that it contains moderated spaces that became large – the unmoderated ones don’t grow at the same rate. But there have been fairly long standing, ongoing, and successful efforts to fash up mid-sized subreddits and turn them into cesspits.