One of these has definitely hauled more than the other, and i guarantee you it’s not the ford.

  • @SlamDrag @TDCN both Chevy and Ford are abandoning the sedan market and focusing on selling trucks to a blue collar aesthetic, not that the global market for cars/trucks is anywhere near a majority of rural that the pickup owners in cities are aspiring to virtue signal. The US became a majority urban nation in the 70s, the world population became majority urban (as opposed to rural) in the 00s. If consumers keep LARPing as small town people in cities, co’s are going to keep selling them trucks

    • Oh i know, we had to get a car since we live in the Midwest. Our options were overpriced Honda, Toyota or Mazdas or barebones subarus or kia boys favorite hyundai or kias.

      Also, blows my fucking mind that corollas have a markups of 5k at the local dealers.

      There are literally 5 cars below $25k OTD if you’re lucky