• Idk if you ever read various subreddits or forums about relationships etc but it seems very common now for really nice guys to just out of the blue turn into a woman hating monster and their partners are shocked and appalled because it seems out of character for that person. Social media is really pushing that red pill stuff, and coupled with these types of legal changes, it creates a very dangerous environment for a lot of people to be in.

    • Imagine what would happen if instead of all these laws and punishments being aimed at women, someone proposed forcing men to accept some responsibility. Even just making them pay child support for 18 years, let alone personally caring for their children.

      We all know women would be dying like flies if any of this “pro-life” legislation had any impact on men.

      So it gets glossed over and pushed under the rug “it’s all the woman’s fault, she’s a slut.”

      Until your mind cracks open upon seeing the bumper sticker that says: 100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by men.