• @Didros personally I believe that life begins at conception. I don’t find myself agreeing with the argument of “oh it’s not a living being yet, so it’s okay to kill”. I believe that even though it’s a clump of cells, eliminating it would take away the potential of life from it. In the same sense, destroying a TV remote is fine because it has zero potential for life. However this does not make me Pro life, because I do acknowledge the hardships of life ; abortions are okay as a medical procedure.

    • Yeah, but cancer is a litteral lump of living cells. It’s an apt comparison.

      And a sperm meeting an egg suddenly meaning life potential which is worth intervening in another’s medical decision is such a weird line. Especially in this county obsessed with freedoms.

      It feels like such an arbitrary line to draw and agree with. When did you start this belief?

      • @Didros cancer is a clump of living cells that does not have the potential to turn into a living human being.
        I’m quite young and I’m still yet to form opinions that are set in stone, I’d say I started believing in my arbitrary line about a month ago. It was influenced by emotions along with statistics about abortions in the US.