I haven’t so much as touched windows in 2 and a half years!

  • Yes. I have found that while other distros may be slightly more “stable” Arch can’t be beat in terms of compatibility and package variety. And to the arch wiki has pretty much every piece of information you could ever need

      • EndeavourOS is not the best for a new user, it’s an easier arch for sure but still a more advanced user operative system.

        Things, update pretty frequently, break like it happened months ago with grub, or with the intel driver for laptops, and you need to fix them urself.

        But as anything on this world there are downsides and advantages, get one you feel comfortable using and stick with it.

        Remember you don’t need to install it to try it or to see if linux is working fine with your hardware, you can just start it from usb.

        • yeah for now I’m trying to not pressure myself I to using the “best” or most powerful distro, I’m just using whatever works for me so I can use it for basic stuff like the web, Spotify, discord etc, and I can always move to a more powerful distro later. and yeah, I always test on USB before I install