•  Safeguard   ( @Safeguard@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Islam says (for instance) that they have the final word of god. Thats pretty damning in and of itself. It leaves no room for anything else.

    Christianity had been used through the ages to commit the most heinous crimes against humanity. They still do.

    We should try a world without religion.

    • And nothing heinous has ever been done without religion?

      The faithful give over three times as much in charitable donations as the secular, and volunteer three to four times as often.

      Plus, the religious have been persecuted for their beliefs as long as there had been human history, which is what you are proposing by suggesting that religion should be eliminated.

      • Tell me 1 good deed done in the name of religion that could not have been done without religion.

        There are numerous heinous deeds done in the name of religion because it told them to do it…

        People are people, they will do bad and good things. But religion always makes them worse because they put themselves above others.

        The religious are only persecuted by other religions and currently religions are persecuting the non believers. (Christo fascism in the USA as a prime example)

        And lastly, if churches would start paying their fair share of tax. No one will need to donate ever again.