• I can see how that would work in some places, but where I live, the opposite would happen. There actually is crime for them to police. Hell, with organized crime going up after California turned certain types of stealing from a Felony to a misdemeanor, theft and smash and grabs have skyrocketed in some places.

    Plus, in the rural areas, Cartels are moving in and setting up illegal weed farms and such and threatening the local government and communities.

    I’m not saying that the police aren’t a bunch of racist, sexist, militant fascists: they are. But if we could reform the police, they have a use protecting people from actual crime. The one benefit of having actual crime to police is that over the years, I’ve noticed much fewer cops harassing or ticketing normal people for stuff like minor traffic violations or “just because”. Probably because they actually (for once) have better things to do.

    • Hell, with organized crime going up after California turned certain types of stealing from a Felony to a misdemeanor, theft and smash and grabs have skyrocketed in some places.

      Question: why are people stealing? Isn’t it because they need money, because they are poor? Maybe the solution is to make people less poor, rather than to have a bunch more “racist, sexist, militant fascists” patrolling the streets.

      Cartels are moving in and setting up illegal weed farms

      Again, the obvious solution to this problem does not involve police.

      But if we could reform the police

      I’m not sure we can.