•  kent_eh   ( @kent_eh@lemmy.ca ) 
    31 year ago

    Those are a signifigant issues globally.

    And each country blames it’s own leaders, when the problem seems to be more systemic than the fault a single country’s leader.

    • Well, rumor has it that Chinese billionaires have been buying up housing in western nations in order to park their money outside of China where the Chinese tax authorities can’t get to it. If that’s true, then that would drive up housing costs in multiple countries at the same time, and those countries’ leaders aren’t stopping it, so those leaders are to blame.

      • Canada actually passed a law prohibiting foreign buyers of real estate. It hasn’t had much of an effect on housing costs, because when you’re looking at millions and millions of people, a handful of billionaires really doesn’t change the underlying problem very much.