• Yes and no. Getting all the tools you need can be a significant expense for someone poor, and you gotta have somewhere to keep it all (such as a garage). Unfortunately one of those “gotta have money to save money” type of situations. DIY undoubtedly is cheaper though (and sort of fun).

    • You can get some decent stuff for not much. Unfortunately harbor freight isn’t what it used to be but its still OK for basic hand tools. Major stuff I’d rent. I threw all my stuff in a duffel bag when I lived in an apartment and it worked decent but digging for tools sucked lol.

      Would be cool if there were groups for it to get people started off and save a little money without buying anything

    • Oil changes dont require a lot of tools. Most cars you’d get away with just a socket, a drain pan and a filter wrench. I’d be suprised if it took two oil changes to pay back what you spent on tools through the savings of doing it yourself.

      If you can afford to drop a hundred bucks on a decent socket and spanner set, then there’s even more savings to be had from doing your own brakes and basic part replacements