Me personally, I’m already bored out of my mind only by reading it, but I’ll have a look and judge after getting first-hand experience.

How do others feel about dailies, weeklies, monthlies as currency grind for reward?

KROOF is pretty thrilled about it, I’ve linked her post as an additional source for people. The prospect of a neutered battle pass without the anti-social aspects is worth mentioning.

  • Definitely feels like something I’ll have to get my hands on before I judge it too much. The fact that they stated there isn’t a FOMO mechanic to it is good. As someone who played the previous two WOW expansions, I hope it feels nothing like them.

    •  Sina   ( ) 
      21 year ago

      WoW has a new battle pass mechanic in Dragonflight, called the ‘Trading Post’. I thought of playing DF, but I don’t feel like it anymore, though this is admittedly only part of the problem.

  • I think it’s gonna be good. I love the fact that you can progress towards the rewards mixing all the different “game modes” in the game. If today I want to PvP and tomorrow PvE, I’ve still progressed towards rewards.

  • Sounds like reward tracks mixed in with map currency vendor, much like the pip mechanic in WvW.

    Very time gated at the beginning, even for all time veterans, but then you have amassed way too much currency because you get it by doing your thing anyway. Just this time you won’t have much surplus because new stuff will keep adding on.

    Not the worst neither the best reward system, pretty much in line with GW2’s nature; do your ting and save currency to buy the shinnies you actually desire.

  •  Sina   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    Since the system is not designed to keep me subbed and supposedly it’s not designed to nudge me toward the gem store in a scummy way, I’m thinking it will be fine.

  •  Ravi   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    I don’t mind if they change the current system. I never understood how they could allow the multi account shenanigans, just for login rewards.

    The only concern for me is that I will loose my steady income of mystic coins and clovers (from one account).